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Platform Libraries

Delphix provides a set of functions that plugins can use for executing remote commands, etc.


Takes a credentials-supplier object and returns a PasswordCredentials or KeyPairCredentials object. If the credentials supplier refers to a password vault, the operation obtains the credentials from that vault.

The operation accepts only credentials-supplier objects exactly as provided by parameters of the plugin operation, without any changes. Credential suppliers are effectively opaque to plugin code; their internals can change without notice.


def retrieve_credentials(credentials_supplier)


Argument Type Description
credentials_supplier dict Unmodified object provided within the parameters field of a plugin operation parameter that conforms to credentialsSupplier, passwordCredentialsSupplier, or keyCredentialsSupplier.


An object of the abstract type Credentials. Concretely, a PasswordCredentials or KeyPairCredentials.


An exception with a descriptive message attribute if either:

  1. The secret is returned by the vault and the type of this secret does not match the type(s) required by the expectedSecretType property of the credentials supplier. For example, this occurs when the secret is a keyPair but expectedSecretType is set to password. Or,
  2. The credentials_supplier parameter does not equal any credentials supplier passed to the plugin by the engine.


from dlpx.virtualization import libs
from dlpx.virtualization.common import PasswordCredentials

def my_virtual_stop(virtual_source, repository, source_config):
    credentials = libs.retrieve_credentials(virtual_source.parameters.db_credentials_supplier)
    environment_vars = { "DATABASE_USERNAME" : credentials.username }
    if isinstance(credentials, PasswordCredentials):
        environment_vars["DATABASE_PASSWORD"] = credentials.password
        environment_vars["DATABASE_KEY"] = credentials.private_key


Executes a bash command on a remote Unix host.


def run_bash(remote_connection, command, variables=None, use_login_shell=False, check=False)


Argument Type Description
remote_connection RemoteConnection Connection associated with the remote host to run the command on.
command String Command to run on the host.
variables dict[String, String] Optional. Environment variables to set when running the command.
use_login_shell boolean Optional. Whether to use a login shell.
check boolean Optional. Whether or not to raise an exception if the exit_code in the RunBashResponse is non-zero.


An object of RunBashResponse

Field Type Description
exit_code Integer Exit code from the command.
stdout String Stdout from the command.
stderr String Stderr from the command.


Calling bash with an inline command.
from dlpx.virtualization import libs

command = "echo 'Hi' >> /tmp/debug.log"
variables = {"var": "val"}

response = libs.run_bash(connection, command, variables)

print response.exit_code
print response.stdout
print response.stderr
Using parameters to construct a bash command.
from dlpx.virtualization import libs

name = virtual_source.parameters.username
port = virtual_source.parameters.port
command = "mysqldump -u {} -p {}".format(name,port)

response = libs.run_bash(connection, command)
Running a bash script that is saved in a directory.
 import pkgutil
 from dlpx.virtualization import libs

 script_content = pkgutil.get_data('resources', '')

 # Execute script on remote host
 response = libs.run_bash(direct_source.connection, script_content)

 from importlib import resources
 from dlpx.virtualization import libs

 script_content = resources.read_text('resources', '')

 # Execute script on remote host
 response = libs.run_bash(direct_source.connection, script_content)
For more information please go to Managing Scripts for Remote Execution section.


Executes a tcl command or script on a remote Unix host.


def run_expect(remote_connection, command, variables=None)


Argument Type Description
remote_connection RemoteConnection Connection associated with the remote host to run the command on.
command String Expect(Tcl) command to run.
variables dict[String, String] Optional. Environment variables to set when running the command.


An object of RunExpectResponse

Field Type Description
exit_code Integer Exit code from the command.
stdout String Stdout from the command.
stderr String Stderr from the command.


Calling expect with an inline command.

from dlpx.virtualization import libs

command = "puts 'Hi'"
variables = {"var": "val"}

repsonse = libs.run_expect(connection, command, variables)

print response.exit_code
print response.stdout
print response.stderr


Executes a powershell command on a remote Windows host.


def run_powershell(remote_connection, command, variables=None, check=False)


Argument Type Description
remote_connection RemoteConnection Connection associated with the remote host to run the command on.
command String Command to run to the remote host.
variables dict[String, String] Optional. Environment variables to set when running the command.
check boolean Optional. Whether or not to raise an exception if the exit_code in the RunPowershellResponse is non-zero.


An object of RunPowershellResponse

Field Type Description
exit_code Integer Exit code from the command.
stdout String Stdout from the command.
stderr String Stderr from the command.


Calling powershell with an inline command.

from dlpx.virtualization import libs

command = "Write-Output 'Hi'"
variables = {"var": "val"}

response = libs.run_powershell(connection, command, variables)

print response.exit_code
print response.stdout
print response.stderr


Copies files from the remote source host directly into the dSource, without involving a staging host.


def run_sync(remote_connection, source_directory, rsync_user=None, exclude_paths=None, sym_links_to_follow=None)


Argument Type Description
remote_connection RemoteConnection Connection associated with the remote host to run the command on.
source_directory String Directory of files to be synced.
rsync_user String Optional User who has access to the directory to be synced.
exclude_paths list[String] Optional Paths to be excluded.
sym_links_to_follow list[String] Optional Symbollic links to follow if any.




from dlpx.virtualization import libs

source_directory = "sourceDirectory"
rsync_user = "rsyncUser"
exclude_paths = ["/path1", "/path2"]
sym_links_to_follow = ["/path3", "/path4"]

libs.run_sync(connection, source_directory, rsync_user, exclude_paths, sym_links_to_follow)


Takes a plain password and, optionally, a user name and converts them to an object that conforms to credentialsSupplier. This function generalizes an existing password property to allow users to later select an alternative source, such as a password vault.

This function can be called only from data migrations. The resulting object can be assigned to a property of type credentialsSupplier or passwordCredentialsSupplier.


def upgrade_password(password, username=None)


Argument Type Description
password String A plain password.
username String Optional. A user name.


A dict object that conforms to passwordCredentialsSupplier.


from dlpx.virtualization import libs

def convert_password_to_credentials_supplier(old_linked_source):
    new_linked_source = dict(old_linked_source)
    password = old_linked_source["credentials"]
    username = old_linked_source["username"]
    new_linked_source["credentials"] = libs.upgrade_password(password, username)
    del new_linked_source["username"]
    return new_linked_source