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Getting Started

The Virtualization SDK is a Python package on PyPI. Install it in your local development environment so that you can build and upload a plugin.

The SDK consists of three parts:

  • The dlpx.virtulization.platform module
  • The dlpx.virtualization.libs module
  • A CLI

The platform and libs modules expose objects and methods needed to develop a plugin. The CLI is used to build and upload a plugin.


  • macOS 10.14+, Ubuntu 16.04+, or Windows 10
  • Python 2.7 (vSDK 3.1.0 and earlier)
  • Python 3.8 (vSDK 4.0.0 and later)
  • Java 7+
  • A Delphix Engine of an appropriate version
  • An active internet connection to download packages from PyPI

Use proxy server

Pip recommends setting up a proxy server in case of restricted internet access. Please follow the guidelines from Pip on how to set up a proxy server.


To install the latest version of the SDK run:

$ pip install dvp

Use a Virtual Environment

We highly recommended that you develop plugins inside of a virtual environment. To learn more about virtual environments, refer to Virtualenv's documentation.

If using vSDK 3.1.0 or earlier, the virtual environment needs to use Python 2.7.

If using vSDK 4.0.0 or earlier, the virtual environment needs to use Python 3.8.

This is configured when creating the virtualenv:

$ virtualenv -p /path/to/python2.7/binary ENV or $ virtualenv -p /path/to/python3.8/binary ENV

To install a specific version of the SDK run:

$ pip install dvp==<version>

To upgrade an existing installation of the SDK run:

$ pip install dvp --upgrade

API Build Version

The version of the SDK defines the version of the Virtualization Platform API your plugin will be built against.

Basic Usage

Our CLI reference describes commands, provides examples, and a help section.

To build your plugin:

$ dvp build -c <plugin_config> -a <artifact_file>

This will generate an upload artifact at <artifact_file>. That file can then be uploaded with:

$ dvp upload -e <delphix_engine_address> -u <delphix_admin_user> -a <artifact_file>

You will be prompted for the Delphix Engine user's password.

You can also use a CLI Configuration File to set default values for CLI command options.


If you have questions, bugs or feature requests reach out to us via the Virtualization SDK GitHub repository.