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Represents a Linked Source object and its properties when using a Direct Linking strategy.

from dlpx.virtualization.platform import DirectSource

direct_source = DirectSource(guid, connection, parameters)


Field Type Description
guid String Unique Identifier for the source.
connection RemoteConnection Connection for the source environment.
parameters LinkedSourceDefinition User input as per the LinkedSource Schema.


Represents a Linked Source object and its properties when using a Staged Linking strategy.

from dlpx.virtualization.platform import StagedSource

staged_source = StagedSource(guid, source_connection, parameters, mount, staged_connection, mounts)


Field Type Description
guid String Unique Identifier for the source.
source_connection RemoteConnection Connection for the source environment.
parameters LinkedSourceDefinition User input as per the LinkedSource Schema.
mount Mount Mount point associated with the source.
staged_connection RemoteConnection Connection for the staging environment.
mounts list[Mount] Mount points associated with the source.

mount vs mounts

Both mount and mounts will not be present in the StagedSource object. Fields are populated based on number of mountSpecification object provided from linked_mount_specification decorator.


Represents a Virtual Source object and its properties.

from dlpx.virtualization.platform import VirtualSource

virtual_source = VirtualSource(guid, connection, parameters, mounts)


Field Type Description
guid String Unique Identifier for the source.
connection RemoteConnection Connection for the source environment.
parameters VirtualSourceDefinition User input as per the VirtualSource Schema.
mounts list[Mount] Mount points associated with the source.


Represents a connection to a source.

from dlpx.virtualization.common import RemoteConnection

connection = RemoteConnection(environment, user)


Field Type Description
environment RemoteEnvironment Environment for the connection.
user RemoteUser User for the connection.


An enum used to represent the state of a linked or virtual source and whether it is functioning as expected.

from dlpx.virtualization.platform import Status

status = Status.ACTIVE


Value Description
ACTIVE Source is healthy and functioning as expected.
INACTIVE Source is not functioning as expected.


Represents a mount exported and mounted to a remote host.

from dlpx.virtualization.platform import Mount

mount = Mount(environment, path)


Field Type Description
remote_environment RemoteEnvironment or Reference Environment for the connection.
mount_path String The path on the remote host that has the mounted data set.
shared_path String Optional. The path of the subdirectory of the data set to mount to the remote host.


Represents how to set the ownership for a data set. This only applies to Unix Hosts.

from dlpx.virtualization.platform import OwnershipSpecification

ownership_specification = OwnershipSpecification(uid, gid)


Field Type Description
uid Integer The user id to set the ownership of the data set to.
gid Integer The group id to set the ownership of the data set to.


Represents properties for the mount associated with an exported data set.

from dlpx.virtualization.platform import MountSpecification

mount_specification = MountSpecification([mount], ownership_specification)


Field Type Description
mounts list[Mount] The list of mounts to export the data sets to.
ownership_specification OwnershipSpecification Optional. Control the ownership attributes for the data set. It defaults to the environment user of the remote environment if it is not specified.


Represents a remote environment.

from dlpx.virtualization.common import RemoteEnvironment

environment = RemoteEnvironment(name, reference, host)


Field Type Description
name String Name of the environment.
reference String Unique identifier for the environment.
host RemoteHost Host that belongs to the environment.


Represents a remote host, can be Unix or Windows.

from dlpx.virtualization.common import RemoteHost

host = RemoteHost(name, reference, binary_path, scratch_path)


Field Type Description
name String Host address.
reference String Unique identifier for the host.
binary_path String Path to Delphix provided binaries on the host, which are present in the toolkit pushed to the remote host like dlpx_db_exec, dlpx_pfexec, etc. This property is only available for Unix hosts.
scratch_path String Path to scratch area on the host. See details here.


Represents a user on a remote host.

from dlpx.virtualization.common import RemoteUser

user = RemoteUser(name, reference)


Field Type Description
name String User name.
reference String Unique identifier for the user.


Abstract class representing credentials that include a user name. Instances of this class are returned by the retrieve_credentials library call.

from dlpx.virtualization import libs
from dlpx.virtualization.common import Credentials
from dlpx.virtualization.platform import Plugin

plugin = Plugin()

def my_virtual_stop(virtual_source, repository, source_config):
    credentials = libs.retrieve_credentials(virtual_source.parameters.credentials_supplier)
    assert isinstance(credentials, Credentials)
    environment_vars = {
        "DATABASE_USERNAME" : credentials.username


Field Type Description
username String User name. Empty string if not present.


Concrete subclass of Credentials that represents key-pair credentials. Instances of this class may returned by the retrieve_credentials library call.

from dlpx.virtualization import libs
from dlpx.virtualization.common import KeyPairCredentials
from dlpx.virtualization.platform import Plugin

plugin = Plugin()

def my_virtual_stop(virtual_source, repository, source_config):
    credentials = libs.retrieve_credentials(virtual_source.parameters.key_pair_supplier)
    assert isinstance(credentials, KeyPairCredentials)
    environment_vars = {
        "DATABASE_USERNAME" : credentials.username,
        "DATABASE_PRIVATE_KEY" : credentials.private_key,
        "DATABASE_PUBLIC_KEY" : credentials.public_key


Field Type Description
username String User name. Empty string if not present.
private_key String Private key.
public_key String Public key corresponding to private key. Empty string if not present.


Concrete subclass of Credentials that represents password credentials. Instances of this class may returned by the retrieve_credentials library call.

from dlpx.virtualization import libs
from dlpx.virtualization.common import PasswordCredentials
from dlpx.virtualization.platform import Plugin

plugin = Plugin()

def my_virtual_stop(virtual_source, repository, source_config):
    credentials = libs.retrieve_credentials(virtual_source.parameters.password_supplier)
    assert isinstance(credentials, PasswordCredentials)
    environment_vars = {
        "DATABASE_USERNAME" : credentials.username,
        "DATABASE_PASSWORD" : credentials.password


Field Type Description
username String User name. Empty string if not present.
password String Password.