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Breaking Changes - GA (v.2.0.0)

Plugin Config Field Renamed

The following field in the Plugin Config were replaced:

Previous Updated
version buildNumber

Additionally, the buildNumber must be a string that conforms to the following rules:

  • The string must be composed of a sequence of non-negative integers, not all zero, separated by periods.
  • Trailing zeros are ignored. So, "1.0.0" is treated the same as "1".
  • Build numbers are sortable numerically, with earlier numbers having more significance than later numbers. So, "2.0" comes after "1.99999", and "1.10" comes after "1.2".
  • The Delphix Engine will never allow installation of plugin with a build number that is ordered before the the already-installed build number.

More details about the format are here.

What is affected

All plugins built with v1.0.0 or below will be affected. The Plugin Config field version will have to be updated to buildNumber.

How does it fail

dvp build will fail with the following error message if the Plugin Config version field is not updated to buildNumber:

$ dvp build
Error: Additional properties are not allowed ('version' was unexpected) on ['additionalProperties']
Error: 'buildNumber' is a required property on ['required']

Validation failed on /private/var/tmp/fp/plugin_config.yml. 
0 Warning(s). 2 Error(s) 


How to fix it

Rename the Plugin Config version field to buildNumber. Make sure that the buildNumber conforms to the format described here.

  • Previous releases
id: 4174f1b8-45df-43cc-8e4c-21d309c17861
name: My Plugin
version: 1.0.0
language: PYTHON27
pluginType: DIRECT
manualDiscovery: true
entryPoint: plugin_runner:plugin
srcDir: src
schemaFile: schema.json
  • 2.0.0
id: 4174f1b8-45df-43cc-8e4c-21d309c17861
name: My Plugin
buildNumber: 1.0.0
language: PYTHON27
pluginType: DIRECT
manualDiscovery: true
entryPoint: plugin_runner:plugin
srcDir: src
schemaFile: schema.json